

If you would like to contact us with regard to any musical service then an email would probably be best as it's checked several times each day. If you have any comments or suggestions for the website then an email would again be appreciated. If an enquiry is of an urgent nature or you would simply like to talk to us then phone numbers are shown below:



I use a simple spam protection device. Simply replace the [at] with the @ sign





(Office) 07 3778450

Steve Mobile 021 2543997

Jo Mobile 021 2932341




















New website

Finally have got round to redesigning the website. Hope you like the new image. Please take the time to explore what blissnz has to offer.



School Orchestral Arrangements

A new feature which has been added to the website. If you are a music teacher at a Primary or Intermediate school and are frustrated at the lack of good quality musical arrangements for years 4 to 8 then this page is for you.