
School orchestral arrangements

We specialise in arrangements of familiar pieces for primary and intermediate school orchestras such as "Buffalo Gals", "Camptown Races" and "Wipe Out". We have worked with primary school groups for several years and have always found sourcing music for these groups very difficult. Though it is available, we have generally found it far too hard for children to achieve a recognisable tune, which very much reduces the enjoyment of playing in a group. Group playing is a very important skill for the budding musician. It is not something they generally learn in private lessons and therefore is a great skill that primary schools can tackle with relative ease.

As every orchestra has different instrumental strengths, they are arranged specifically for your requirements. Most primary school orchestras rely heavily on recorders and two parts are usually written for these - one with very basic notes and rhythm and one for players who are competant with F sharp and C sharp. Arrangements will also include any instruments that you have eg... clarinet, trumpet, violin, flute, keyboard, guitar (TAB & chords), sax and will be arranged according to their level.

We would be more than happy to field any questions you may have and would be happy to supply references for my work. Please use the form below to make an enquiry.




Thanks for the wonderful arrangement of

"little brown jug", Dinnie, schoolteacher, Hastings


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Sample arrangement

Little Brown Jug